The Shepherdess of the Glaciers

France/India 2016, 74 min
Directors : Stanzin Dorjai Gya and Christiane Mordelet
Co-Production: Les Films de la Découverte and Himalaya Film House

Halfway around the world – the filmmakers’ ability to make an intimate and isolated existence ‘universal’ is what makes this film at once moving and engaging. This expansive film absorbs the viewer into the conjoined, meditative world of a harsh environment – which includes the passing seasons, a barren mountainous landscape and the intimate relationship between humans and animals in their care. Capturing a moment in time – quietly observing a spirited individual eking out a basic existence with all of life’s necessities – the filmmaker uncovers a life that is organic – filled with struggles – but ultimately a life abundant with awe and joy.”
— Elizabeth Yake, member of the 2016 Banff Mountain Film Festival jury.
Tsering with goat.jpg


Grand Prize, Banff International Mountain Film Festival, 2016, Banff, Canada
Best Director award, Mountain International Film Festival, 2016, Autrans, France
Best Public award, Mountain International Film Festival, 2016, Autrans, France
Best Nature and Environment award, USHUAIS TV, Mountain International Film Festival, 2016, Autrans, France
Grand Prix, Le Grand Bivouac Film Festival, 2016, Albertville, France
Grand Prize award, Festival Curieux Voyaguers, 2016, Saint Etienne, France
Best Film on Mountain Culture at India Mountaineering Foundation (IMF), Delhi, 2016
Best Documentary Award, Grand Prize CINEMATHEQUEMONTAGE, 2016,  Gap, France
Visions du Reel International Film Festival, 2016, Nyon, France
Jury award, 9th International Documentary & Short Film Festival, 2016, Kerala, India
Jury award, International Explorimage Film Festival of Nature and Adventure, 2016, Nice, France
Official Selected,  Dharamsala International Film Festival and Peace Builder Film Festival, 2016, Delhi, India


Featured in French Telerama magazine, Indian Express, and French National Radio magazine.


selected reviews

"Shepherdess Of The Glaciers: A Tale Of Human Endurance," The Shillong Times, 6/9/2018

Wangchuk, Rinchen Norbu, "Born a Shepherd, This Ladakhi Man's Brilliant Film has Won 17 International Awards!", The Better India, 5/22/2018.

Angmo, Deachen, "Shepherdess Of The Glaciers: One Of Ladakh's Last Shepherdesses," Feminism in India, 8/24/2018.

Vitali, Roberto, "The Khandroma of the Highlands for sister, a cinematic jewel by Gya Stanzin Dorjai (and Christiane Mordelet)", Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines, 12/2017.

Robson, Deborah, "The Shepherdess of the Glacier: Reflections by Deborah Robson", Cloth Roads, 9/21/2017.

Arquilliere, Vincent, "Tsering, bergère au Ladakh… et star modeste à Autran," Telerama, 12/10/2016.



Les Films de la Decouverte, ZDF/ARTE, Qubseiaw Suareuvyruib